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The Attachment Checker identifies and intercepts the upload of attachments with extensions that are not allowed.

All attachments are scanned for viruses when virus scanning is enabled.


a)  Restrict file type uploads

       This feature allows restriction on the types of file that can be attached. An error message will be displayed for files that are not allowed.

       a.i)   Attach via Drag and Drop
                  *At pages or blogposts / attachments page / editor

       a.ii)   Attach via Attachments Page

               When using the Multiple Attach, users will be redirected to the Upload Failure page if there exists 1 or more attachment(s) not allowed.

       a.iii) Attach via Insert link (Files)
                  *At editor — pages or blogposts / comments

       a.iv)  Attach via Insert files and images
                   *At editor — pages or blogposts / comments

b) Scan for virus

      This feature allows scanning on all files attached. When an infected file is detected, a comment will be added to the page containing that particular file.

c) Set attachment quota

      This prevents excessive uploading of attachments in each Space.
      If the quota is hit, users will no longer be able to upload anymore attachments to that particular Space, till the quota is increased or unused attachments are removed.

d) Attachment summary

      This provides a report on the disk space used for attachments (including trash) at space level. Attachment quota for each Space can also be set individually.

e) Allowed Fine-grained file type access 

Released in version 1.6.0

It is possible to enforce different permissions for selected groups of users. Useful for scenarios like

  • Increase the upload limits for Confluence admins to handle exception scenarios
  • Only the media team users can upload large videos
  • Restrict maximum size of images (png/jpg/gif) to 100kb, but allow PDF files to be up to 10mb
  • Customers can only upload images whereas staff can upload pdf and office documents as well

For more details, refer to How to set File Size Limits for Different User Groups

Useful Info

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