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Manage attachment quota per space

The Quota Summary provides a report on the disk space allocated, used, and available for attachments in each space.

Admins can set a default quota for all spaces or custom quota for a specific space. It is also possible to set an unlimited quota.

In case of discrepancy, admins can trigger a recalculation. The report can also be exported as an Excel file.

When Quota Checking is enabled, users will not be able to upload attachments if there is insufficient quota in the space.

Quota Summary can be accessed from the Attachment Checker ConfigurationQuota CheckingEdit Space Quota or the admin sidebar.

acc access quota summary.png

Quota Alert Threshold and Alert Message

Confluence admins can now set a global alert threshold for the quota and the alert message to display at Attachment Checker ConfigurationQuota Checking tab.

A banner will be displayed in the space when quota reaches the threshold or limit.

Quota threshold reached (Alert message displayed)

acc quota threshold reached.png

Quota limit reached (Error message displayed)

acc quota limit reached.png
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