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Service Level Agreement for Akeles apps

Service Level Agreement

Our goal is that all our customers are satisfied with our products.

This Service Level Agreement is applicable for all the commercial apps (also known previously as add-ons or plugins) developed by Akeles and listed on Atlassian Marketplace.

Akeles will use reasonable effort to perform the Support in accordance with this SLA, but will not be responsible for delays caused by the Client or reasons beyond Akeles' control.

Response Time

We strive to respond to your support request within 24 business hours from the time of your initial request.

Business Days/Hours

Our business hours are Monday through Friday, 10am - 7pm Singapore Time (SGT). 
We are based in Singapore, so we get a break on Public Holidays of Singapore.

Support Channels

You can request support through one of the following channels:

We do encourage you to raise a ticket through our Service Desk. With more complete information provided, it will help us to understand your issue and respond faster.

We currently do not provide phone support. 

Support Includes

  • Answering questions related to the Akeles apps
    • Functionality and Best Practices
    • Installation & Upgrades
    • Usage and Configuration
    • Billing and Renewals
  • Help with troubleshooting problems with Akeles apps
  • Collecting feedback and feature requests (we do not guarantee that feature requests will be implemented)
  • Providing new version releases of the app (active maintenance is required for app updates)

Support does not include

  • Phone support
  • Product training
  • Issues not related to an Akeles app or caused by underlying Confluence/JIRA issues
  • App versions that
    • have reached end of life
    • is not compatible with the version of Confluence/JIRA
  • Confluence/JIRA versions which 
    • has not been formally released including Beta or Development releases
    • is no longer supported by Atlassian
    • is not supported by our add-ons
  • Customers who do not have a valid and current license or active subscription
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