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Release Notes for 1.29.0


New features

Space Quota in Space Tools

Space Quota is now available in the Space Tools.

acc space quota.png

By default, Confluence admins, space admins and space users will be able to view these information.
Only Confluence admins can edit the quota allocated.

If you do not want space users to view the space quota, please turn off the permission at Attachment Checker ConfigurationQuota Checking tab.

acc quota checking tab permissions.png

Quota Alert Threshold and Alert Message

Confluence admins can now set a global alert threshold for the quota and the alert message to display at Attachment Checker ConfigurationQuota Checking tab.

acc quota checking tab alert threshold and alert message.png

A banner will be displayed in the space when quota reaches the threshold or limit.

acc quota threshold reached.png

Quota threshold reached (Alert message displayed)

acc quota limit reached.png

Quota limit reached (Error message displayed)


Issue Key




To display quota in Space Tools



To add Alert Threshold and Alert Message for quota

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