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How to Embed Multiple Filters Chart Gadget into a Confluence Page

Recommended Method

Check out our “Multiple Filters Chart Macros” instead for easy configuration!

It uses native Confluence macro UI instead of an external gadget,

  • The chart macros are available out of the box without having admins to register the gadgets from Jira

  • Configuring charts and tables is more user friendly

  • The performance is faster


It is possible to include Multiple Filters Chart gadgets into the Confluence page.

Pre-requisite: One-time Setup by the Confluence administrator

This assumes that the application link between Jira and Confluence has been done

Getting the Gadget Specification URL from Jira

  1. Go to any Jira instance Dashboard

  2. Click on Add gadget button

  3. Click on Load all gadgets

  4. Search for “Multiple” Filters Chart gadgets

  5. Click on Show XML Link

  6. Copy the XML link

Adding External Gadgets into Confluence

Log in as a Confluence administrator

  1. Go to Configuration > External Gadgets (<BaseURL>/admin/viewgadgetdirectory.action)

  2. Paste the copied URL into the Gadget Specification URL field

  3. Click on the Add button to save

  4. A gadget specific URL is added

Adding the Gadget to the page

  1. Find the Gadget from the macro browser or using the macro autocomplete with '{'

  2. Fill in the gadget settings in the Preview section

  3. Click on the Save button to save the gadget settings

  4. Click on the Insert button to add the macro to page

  5. Result


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