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Release Notes for 4.7.0/5.7.0

For Jira 8, please use version 5.7.0.

For Jira 7, please use version 4.7.0.


New Features

Support JQL

You can now enter JQL in the gadget configuration. With this, you do not need to create filters beforehand and end up with too many filters.

Before (Filter Only)

After (Filter and JQL)

Show Totals

You can now choose to show totals for rows, columns or both in the data table.


Sum Up Rows

  • Yes

  • No


Show Totals

  • Yes

  • Yes (Columns Only)

  • Yes (Rows Only)

  • No

Bug Fixes

Incorrect min, max and average values

For Months in Group > 1, the max/average values of months in the same group are just sum up, whereas the min is always 0 even if all the issue values are positive.



Invalid JQL when clicked on link to issue navigator

For Text Field (single line) custom fields using Exact Text Searcher (natural), the JQL is invalid if text value contains space or special characters, due to missing quotes.




Key Summary T P Status Resolution Affected Versions

Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

View these issues in Jira
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