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How to Configure Multiple Filters Line Chart Gadget (Monthly) 1.x



Default Value


Enter title for the line chart window.
Date FieldCreatedSelect the Issue Field (of Date Type) to plot as the X-axis of the line chart.

Add Filter

Click to add another filter.

Delete Last Filter

Click to delete the last filter.
Filter n (max. 12)
Choose the filter(s) that you want to display in the line chart.
Alias for Filter n

Define an alias for the filter(s) to be displayed in the legend.

If undefined, filter name will be displayed.

Month SpanCurrent Month

Choose the month span to display:

  • Current Month
  • Last Month
Display Full YearNo

Choose the display format of the Year:

  • Yes (E.g. Year 2014 will be displayed as "2014")
  • No (E.g. Year 2014 will be displayed as "14")
Display TypeLine Chart Only

Choose the display type of the gadget:

  • Line Chart Only
  • Data Table Only
  • Line Chart and Data Table
Calculation Mode Issue Count

Choose whether to display the sum of issue count or selected custom field values:

  • Issue Count
  • Selected Custom Field Values
Hide Data LabelsYes

Choose whether to display or hide the value:

  • Yes
  • No
Color SchemeBasic

Choose a color scheme:

  • Basic
  • Contrasting
  • Shades
  • Warm
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