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Page Linker for Confluence


The Page Linker plugin allows users to specify directional links between Confluence pages. This feature helps to provide traceability between related pages, and keeping things organised.

It can also be used to categorise the type of pages implicitly, without having to associate a label to the page.

Possible Use Cases

There are many possible ways the plugin can be used. 

Requirements Management

It will be possible to display all the related pages to the current page based on the type of links. E.g. The design specs and test specs for this requirement specs. 

Release Planning

You can link all the required pages for a release. E.g.

  • Version Release Page
    • User Guide Page
    • Release Notes Page
    • Test Results Page
    • Developer Notes Page
    • Requirement Pages
    • Design Pages

Dependency Tracking

You can link all the discussions/decisions related to requirements/design page by defining a "topic-discussion" link between the pages.

Duplicate Tracking

Sometimes, users want to create a new page for new versions instead of using Confluence's page versioning feature. Users can define "older-newer" relationship linking so that users can always navigate to the previous/newer versions 

Page Navigation

It is possible to guide users to navigate a series of pages by using the "previous-next" relationship linking, 

If you have other use cases to share, do let us know.


Define Jira or Page Link Types

Page Link Types

Page Link is for Spaces to Spaces within Confluence

Confluence administrators will be able to configure the type of page links available

For more, please refer to How to add a new Page Link Type.

Definition of Jira Link Types

Jira Link is for Jira Issues link to Confluence through Application Link

Confluence administrators will be able to configure the type of Jira links available


For more, please refer to How to define Jira Link Type

Page Links can be added and viewed easily,

Add Page LinkView Page Link

Please refer to How to add Page Link for more information

Jira Links can also be added and viewed easily,

Add Jira LinkView Jira Links

Please refer to How to link a Jira issue to a Confluence Page for more information

Reference a particular page

Reference a current page or a historical page in either Jira or Confluence

A url will be generated for the particular page, copy the link and paste it in Jira or Confluence to access that page.

Please refer to How to link to a particular page version for more information

Pagelinks List Macro

The Pagelinks List Macro display a bullet list of pages linked to the current page filtered by page type and link type

For more, please check How to add a Pagelinks List Macro

Mentioned Pages Table Report

The macro display all the pages that has "mentioned" (included a link) the page on the first column. This is useful for people who want to identify the labeled pages to migrate to the Page Linker's page links.

In the above example screenshot, there are 3 children pages created under the Requirements Specs page

  • Requirements for v1.0.0
  • Requirements for v1.1.0
  • Requirements for v1.2.0

The 2017-06-05 Retrospective page contains a link to Requirements for v1.0.0 page and has a label retrospective added

The link is not the Page Linker link. It is the normal Confluence page link.

For more, please refer to How to use Mentioned Pages Table Report Macro

 This is a beta version. We will be releasing a commercial edition in future so that you can be assured on continuous support.

If you would like features added, feel free to let us know at our Service Desk.

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