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Release Notes for Page Linker 1.2.0


Released Date31 May 2018

New Features

Instead of having to manually create a new page and link the 2 pages together, you can now create it with just one click.

Simply configure the Pagelinks List Macro with your desired settings, including the Space to create in, the Page Title and the Template to use.

Clicking on the button will create a new page linked to the current page.

The button can also be easily hidden if it is not needed.

For more details, please refer to How to add a new page in Pagelinks List Macro.

Jiralink List Macro

This new macro allows you to display all the Jira issues linked to the current page.

These links can be placed anywhere on the page for easy viewing.

For more details, please refer to How to add a Jiralinks List Macro.


Delete remote link when delete button is clicked

In previous versions, clicking on the delete button will only delete Jira issues in the View Jira Links dialog and not the actual remote links.

In this version, Page Linker will attempt to delete remote links (Issue Links) in the Jira issue as well.

If successful, a success flag will be displayed with the message Deleted successfully.

Else, an error message flag will be displayed with the corresponding error messages.

Bug Fixes

Unable to search for some Jira issues

When adding a Jira Link, you may have noticed that not all Jira issues are available in the search.

This is because only issues from the user's history are being retrieved, and it has been fixed in this version.

Link to page versions breaks

If Confluence has a context path (e.g., the link to a particular page version will redirect users to an unknown page (Not Found).

This has been fixed in this version and it will now redirect you to the correct page.

Issues Resolved

Key Summary T Created Updated Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

View these issues in Jira

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.