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How to define Jira Link Type

This feature is available from version 1.0.0 onwards

Prerequisite: Application Link Between Confluence and Jira

This feature is only available if there is an application link between the Confluence instance and Jira instance.

Please visit Setting up an application link between Confluence and Jira for a Step-by-step Guide.

Configuring a Jira Link Type

  1. Login as a Confluence Administrator
  2. Navigate to Add-ons

  3. Search for Page Linker for Confluence in the UPM, and click on Configure button

  4. To add a new Jira Link Type, click on Add Jira Link Type button

  5. Define the relationship and click on the Add button

  6. The new Jira Link type is created

Configuration Parameters

Jira Link Type NameThe name of the linkage between Confluence page and Jira issue.
Confluence Page TypeHow the Confluence page is related to the linked Jira issue.
Jira Issue TypeHow the Jira issue is related to the linked Confluence page.
There is no restriction that the issue type of the linked issue must be a valid issue type defined in Jira.
DescriptionA description for this type of link. It will be displayed in the Add Jira Link dialog box.


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