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Support Tracker


The Support Tracker plugin can be used to track the amount of support (credits) utilised for an agreement. Possible scenarios are:

  • Track the hours spent on helpdesk enquiries within a quarter
  • Track the number of webpages/design collaterals delivered within a predefined date range
  • Track the number of man days utilised for Change Requests within a fiscal year
  • Track the number of onsite visits within a calendar year
  • Track your personal expenses for the month

Basic Features

Advanced Features 

  • Tracking only for particular issue types 
    • e.g. a project has "Service Request" and "Bug" issue types, Support Tracker tracking condition can be refined to only look at "Service Request" issue type 
  • Tracking against a group of Jira projects
  • Support different types of tracking 
    • User can select different fields to be used for tracking


  • Each Jira Support Tracker project is created using the Support Tracker Project Blueprint 
  • Every issue within is an agreement with the following information
    • Linked Jira project(s)
    • a Contract Start Date
    • a Contract End Date
    • Total Credits

  • Each Support Tracker project has to be set up with a mapping to link to the custom fields used in the customer projects
    • The Reference Number field represents the credit unit that user is trying to track
    • The Reference Date field represents the date field used to match with the agreed support period
  • For each type of mapping, you can create a new Support Tracker projects. E.g.

    Tracked items
    Reference Number
    Reference Date
    Helpdesk Support HoursHoursCreated
    Change RequestsDaysApproval Date
    Onsite Visits# of VisitsDate of Visit
    Web pagesTotal Amount ($)Date delivered

Setting up the Support Tracker

Check out the Quick Setup Guide

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