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Support Tracker Report


Each Support Tracker Report is defined by each Support Tracker Issue in the Tracking status.

The Support Tracker Report will show the credit utilisation, balance left and the list of issues that contributed to the utilisation. 


  1. The Support Tracker Report can be viewed from all non Support Tracker projects
  2. Navigate to the target project's overview/summary page
  3. The Support Tracker Report can be found under the project's left sidebar

  4. The Support Tracker Report will list all the Support Tracker project that has any Support Tracker issue with the current project in it's the Support Tracker Bucket

    1. This selection list will be empty if the current Non Support Tracker project is not a ST: Linked Project(s) in any Support Tracker Issue
  5. The Maintenance Period will list all the Support Tracker issues for the selected Support Tracker project

  6. The report will show the Support utilisation, balance, as well as issue details for all issues that contributes to the total utilisation
  7. When multiple projects are selected for the Support Tracker Bucket, the report will calculate the utilisation from all the project selected in the bucket

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