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User Guide for CQL Search Macro


The CQL Search Macro allows users to execute contextual searches with predefined CQL. Some possible scenarios are to do title/keyword search within

  • blog posts for scheduled maintenance

  • meeting minutes for the project

  • child pages of the SOP page

  • training slides (attachments labelled with training)


Field Name


Default Value


Additional Information



Enter a CQL statement with $$query$$ or $$query*$$ as the search term.

Default Query Term

Enter a default query term to replace the $$query$$ in CQL.
Search results will be preloaded if it is provided.

Search Type


The searching can done with three type searches.

  • Exact Match – Find contents that contains the exact word

  • Start With – Find contents that starts with the word

  • Contains – Find contents that partially matches the word

No. of Results per Page



Select the no. of results to be displayed:

  • 5 — Pagination will occur if there are >5 search results

  • 10 — Pagination will occur if there are >10 search results

  • 50 — Pagination will occur if there are >50 search results

  • 100 — Pagination will occur if there are >100 search results

If there are more results than the selected no. of results to display, pagination will occur.

Custom "No Results Found" message

Enter a customised message when no results are found.

Search Bar


Indicate whether to display the search bar



Indicate whether to display the excerpt



Indicate whether to display

  • List - List of contents

  • Contributor - List of contributors


Contextual Search with pre-defined CQL

See Useful scenarios with Canned Search for Confluence for suggestions on how to define CQL for creating context.

Search Results — with pagination

Pagination is provided.

No Results Found Message

There will be an error message displaying suggestions for performing search if there are no result that matches the search term.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.