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Menu Gadgets for Jira Cloud Home

This documentation is for Cloud only. Click here for the Server documentation.

Menu Gadgets for Jira Cloud is a great way to group your filters and links in Jira.

The plugin consists of the following 2 gadgets:

  • Filters Menu Gadget

  • Links Menu Gadget

Designed to better organise, categorise and arrange favourite filters in an orderly manner. 

The gadget allows users to:

  1. Add alias to filter

Before: Only Favourite Filters Gadget available to display favourite filters on Dashboard.

  • For users with lots of favourite filters, the gadget does not help as a huge list is shown without grouping

  • No way to customise filters users see on Dashboard

After: Favourite filters can be organised on dashboard so that only relevant filters are seen.

  • Dashboards based on project or department can have relevant filters shown.

  • Filters can be categorised so that users can easily identify and use

Find out how to add the Filter Menu Gadget to your dashboard

The Links Menu Gadget is a gadget designed to allow users to place commonly used, favourite, important hyperlink in your dashboards.

The gadget allows users to:

  1. Add alias and description to hyperlinks

  2. Add labels (for categorisation) to hyperlinks

Categorise your links to various themes:

  1. Department/Team

  2. Projects

  3. Useful Links (Guides/Self-Help/Resources)

  4. Personal

  5. etc...

Before: Unable to provide relevant hyperlinks on Jira dashboard.

  • Hyperlinks relevant can only be shared using other means (E.g. Confluence page / project shortcuts)

After: Able to list relevant links on dashboard with categorisation for quick access

Find out how to add the Links Menu Gadget to your dashboard

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