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Configuring Links Menu Gadget

Adding Links Menu Gadget to a dashboard

  1. Go to a dashboard and click on Edit

  2. From the right panel,

    1. Search for Links Menu gadget and

    2. Click on Add gadget

  3. The gadget configuration needs to be set up

    Once you click on Save, your links menu gadget will be created.

  4. Result

Expand All / Close All Contents

By default, the gadget tooltip and hyperlink descriptions are hidden



Hover over Gadget

  • Gadget tooltip and Expand All / Close All options are displayed

Click on
Expand All

Click on Close All

Display Configurations

It is possible to tweak the appearance to your preference by

  • increasing the vertical padding between links

  • adding indentation to the hyperlink description with respect to the title of the link


Has White Space

Has Indentation enabled

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