Tissue Cloud - Table of linked Issues for Jira Cloud
Tissue allows you to display a tabular report of related issues. The issues can also be from different projects or issue types.
For example:
Tasks → Sub-Tasks
Initiatives → Epics → Stories
Stories → Bugs
Bugs → Support Tickets
Requirements → Test Cases → Test Reports
Key Features
Display related issues in a table
Display up to 4 levels down the linked issues hierarchy in a table with the Linked Issues Table Gadget.
A total of 5 levels, including the primary issues.
Primary L0 → linked L1 → linked L2 → linked L3 → linked L4

Tissue Reports in projects
Tissue Reports allows users to view clearly the relationship of the project issues by displaying them side by side in a table.
It is available in all projects and no additional configuration is required.

Configurable display options
Text Mode
Choose between text mode and non text mode.
For non text mode, values such as issue keys and users will render as links, values such as status and issue type will render as graphics.
You can use the plain text mode to copy into Excel for further post-processing.
Smart grouping
Allows merging of cells across rows with identical values.