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The Three Dimensional Date Gadgets is a collection of gadgets to allow 3 dimensional reporting on Jira dashboards directly. 

The plugin has 3 gadgets

  • Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget
  • Rolling Window Monthly Gadget
  • Rolling Window Weekly Gadget

In addition, it supports

  • Grouping by year
  • Summing up totals for rows and columns
  • Clickable links to zoom into the issues matching the statistics

Key Features

Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget

Displays the breakdown of the issues (from the selected filter) grouped by month from the selected date field.

The following date picker or date time fields are supported:

  • Created

  • Due Date

  • Resolution Date

  • Last Updated Date

  • any Jira's Date Picker Custom Fields

  • any Jira's Date Time Custom Fields

With Year

Without Year

If the filter is within a year period, the year can be hidden.

For more info, refer to Usage Guide for 3 Dimensional Monthly Gadget

Rolling Window Monthly Gadget

See the number of matching issues for the last X months. 

E.g. If the current month is Dec, and a 6 months trend was selected, it will display the trend of issues from Jul to Dec.

In addition, there is an option to calculate the average and to compare it with the latest month. 

If the trend is increasing, it will display a Red up arrow. If the trend is decreasing, it will display a Green down arrow.

For more info, refer to Usage Guide for Rolling Window Monthly Gadget

Rolling Window Weekly Gadget

See the number of matching issues for the last X weeks. 

E.g. If a 3 weeks before and after trend was selected, it will display the trend of issues as shown.

In addition, there is an option to calculate the average and to compare it with the current week. 

If the trend is increasing, it will display a Red up arrow. If the trend is decreasing, it will display a Green down arrow.

For more info, refer to Usage Guide for Rolling Window Weekly Gadget

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