Support Jira Field Types
Jira Issue Field | - Issue Type
- Summary
- Resolution
- Priority
- Assignee
- Reporter
- Status
- Issue Key
- Environment
- Created Date
- Updated Date
- Resolution Date
- Due Date
Jira Custom Field | - Checkbox
- Number
- Radio
- Select
- Multi-select
- Text
- Multi-line Text
- User picker
- Date picker
- Date Time picker
Text Field Type
Jira Term Modifiers can also be used in the issue's "Search Field" or specified in "Different Value". (see Search syntax for text fields for more info)

Date/Datetime Field Type
For the date/datetime "Different Value" search, the following conventions are allowed:
Exact Date | Exact date search of the following format: - yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
- yyyy/MM/dd
- yyyy-MM-dd
| - 2018/11/23 08:00
- 2018-11-23 08:00
- 2018/11/23
- 2018-11-23
Period Date | Period date relative to the Search Field. The period has to be specified in the following format: <|>|=|!= | The operator specifying the date range: - '<' – "Search Field" date - date period →"Search Field" date
- '>' – "Search Field" date → "Search Field" date + date period
- '=' – "Search Field" date - date period → "Search Field" date + date period
- '!=' – Not within ("Search Field" date - date period → "Search Field" date + date period)
** if no operator is specified, it is assumed to be '=' | d | Number of (M|w|d|h|m), up to 5 digit number | M|w|d|h|m | - M – Month(s)
- w – week(s)
- d – day(s)
- h – hour(s)
- m – minute(s)
| - 5d
- If "Search Field" date is "2018-11-23", search will return issues between "2018-11-18" to "2018-11-28"
- < 4w 2d
- If "Search Field" date is "2018-11-23", search will return issues between "2018-10-24" to "2018-11-23"