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How to Configure Multiple Filters Line Chart Gadget

Enter title for the gadget.
X Axis LabelCreatedDefine the x-axis label to be displayed.
Y Axis LabelIssue CountDefine the y-axis label to be displayed.
Color SchemeBasic

Select a color scheme for the line chart:

  • Basic
  • Contrasting
  • Shades
  • Warm
  • Custom

Add Filter

Click to add another filter.

*Maximum of 12 filters can be added.

Delete Last Filter

Click to delete the last filter.
Filter n

JQL input added in version 4.7.0/5.7.0

Select the filter(s) or enter JQL to plot the line chart.

Alias for Filter n

Define an alias for the filter(s) to be displayed in the legend.

If undefined, filter name will be displayed.

Date Field for Filter nCreated

Select the date field:

  • Created
  • Updated
  • Resolved
  • Due Date
  • Custom Date Picker or Date Time Picker fields
Calculation Mode for Filter nIssue Count

Select the calculation mode:

  • Same as Filter 1 (Available from Filter 2 onwards)
  • Issue Count
  • Time Spent
  • Time Estimate
  • Time Original Estimate
  • Custom Number fields

Select the calculation operator:

  • Sum
  • Average
  • Minimum
  • Maximum

*Not applicable for Issue Count and Same as Filter 1 option.

Color for Filter n

Pick a color for the line.

*Configurable only if Color Scheme is set to Custom.

Display All MonthsNo

Select whether to display all months in the chart regardless of the value:

  • Yes (Display all months, even if there is no value)
  • No (Display months with values only)
Months In Group1

Select the number of months to be grouped together:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • 12

E.g. 4 months in group: Jan Apr, May Aug, Sep Dec.

Display Full YearNo

Select whether to display the full year:

  • Yes ('2008' for year 2008)
  • No ('08' for year 2008)
Period FormatMonths with Year

Added in 4.4.0/5.4.0

Select the period format of the x-axis labels:

  • Months with Year
  • Months without Year
  • Numeric Months with Year
  • Numeric Months without Year
  • Quarter with Year
  • Quarter without Year
  • Half with Year
  • Half without Year
Display TypeLine Chart Only

Select the display type of the gadget:

  • Line Chart Only
  • Data Table Only
  • Line Chart and Data Table
Data LabelsHide

Select whether to show or hide the values:

  • Show
  • Hide
Display Time InHours

Select how the time should be displayed:

  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks

*Applicable for Time Fields only.

Show TotalsNo

Previously named "Sum Up Rows" with "Yes" and "No" options

Renamed in version 4.7.0/5.7.0 with additional options

Display the total for each row and/or column in the Data Table:

  • Yes
  • Yes (Columns Only)
  • Yes (Rows Only)
  • No
Table OrientationVertical

Added in 4.4.0/5.4.0

Select whether to display the filters vertically or horizontally in the Data Table:

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
Chart ModeNormal

Select how the chart data should be calculated over time:

  • Normal
  • Cumulative
Tick Interval

Specify the interval of each tick on the y-axis.

E.g. 5: y-axis tick will be 0, 5, 10, 15 and so on.


Select a method of interpolation for the line:

  • Linear
  • Monotone
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