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Enhanced CQL Search Filter


The Enhanced CQL Search Filter feature provides users with the ability to save search settings as a CQL (Confluence Query Language) filter for easy access. This allows users to retain specific search configurations, such as space and type filters, and access them with a simple click.

Accessing the Feature

To access the Enhanced CQL Search Filter feature, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Confluence Site

  2. Click on the image-20240409-035105.png icon located next to the search bar.


  3. You will be redirected to the Enhanced CQL Search Filter page



Use Case - Saving Search Settings

Follow these steps to save your search settings as a CQL filter:

  1. Adjust your search settings according to your preferences, such as space and type filters.

  2. Click on the Advanced Search button

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click “Take me there”


  1. You will be redirected to a new page


  2. Click Save as and provide a name for your saved filter to easily identify it later.


  3. You can access this page again by clicking on the name of this filter


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