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Banners for Confluence Cloud Home


A collection of Forge based Confluence macros to display heading banners to make your Confluence page more lively.

Users can configure easily by entering the heading text and selecting the available options (size, colour, image, counter, etc).

Getting Started

  • Download and Banner for Confluence

  • Follow our Quick Start guide to see banner in action

  • If you report a new issue, provide feedback or require help, please raise a ticket in Support

Benefits of the Plugin

By using the Banner macros, you can bring attention to the key points through the use of colours, fonts, text size and image.

  • It is possible to select and copy the heading text

  • Bring your points across through the use of colours and styles

  • Nicer to read pages

  • Faster content creation

  • No need for image editors

Key Features

Image Banner

Counter Banner

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