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Configuration for versions before version 2.0

The plugin supports configuration of the following settings

List of extensionsThe list of comma delimited file extensions to used for filtering. jpg,png,gif
Error messageThe error message to be displayed if a user tries to upload
a file that is not allowed
Please update the error message in the Attachment Checker

The mode of filtering

  • Blacklist - All configured file types are blocked
  • Whitelist - Only configured file types are allowed
Allow files without
any extensions
Whether to allow files without any extensions to be attachedYesYes
Max Attachment Limit

The maximum number of attachments allowed for each issue.
0 if no limit is to be enforced.

If no attachment are allowed, can revoke the Create Attachments
permission in the permission schemes

Max Attachment MessageThe error message to display to the user when maximum
number of attachments has exceeded. 
The number of attachments for this issue has exceeded 


Accessing Configuration Panel

To access the configuration panel:

  1. Go to the Universal Plugin Manager
  2. Click on the Attachment Checker under the User-installed Add-ons section to expand the panel 
  3. Click on the Configure button 

Updating Configuration Settings

To update the configuration settings:

  • Fill in the fields accordingly and click on the Update button
  • The Current Settings will be updated accordingly



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