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The Attachment Checker for Jira plugin allows admins to secure their Jira instances by

  • Whitelisting / Blacklisting of certain file attachments types (JRA-13684)
  • Limiting the number of attachments per issues
  • Restricting attachments with duplicate filenames (JRA-2169)
  • Virus scanning of uploaded attachments (JRA-8626)
  • Notify user when there is modification to attachments
  • Restrict certain user groups from downloading attachments (JRASERVER-40061)
  • Access logging for downloading of attachments 

  Each feature can be configured to turn on/off with your customised messages.

  • ensure conformance of authorised file formats
  • prevent multiple copies of the same file from being uploaded
  • avoid confusion caused by attachments with the same filename
  • detection of infected files
  • avoid circulation of virus infected files via Jira
  • conserve disk space and bandwidth by blocking certain file types 

Key Features

Let us know if you have any feature requests or suggestions here.

There are multiple features provided by the Attachment Checker for Jira

The checks are performed when

  • File attached during create/edit issue 
  • File attached
  • File dragged and dropped into the issue (with the Jira Drag and Drop Attachment Plugin)
  • It supports Jira Service Desk Customer Portal too
    • When a request is being created
    • When an attachment is added in a comment

Video Intro

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