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Configuring Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget

Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget overview

The Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget  displays the breakdown of the issues (from the selected filter) across the months from the selected date field. 

Adding Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget to a dashboard

  1. Go to a dashboard and click on Add gadget.

  2. Search for Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget and click on Add gadget next to it.

Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget configuration






Filter or JQL can now be selected to search for issues

X Axis

The x-axis field for the table (date field)


Y Axis

The y-axis field for the table

Calculation Mode

The calculation mode field to get value:

  • Issue Count

  • Original Estimate

  • Remaining Estimate

  • Time Spent

  • Σ Original Estimate

  • Σ Remaining Estimate

  • Σ Time Spent

  • Number custom fields

The operator:

  • Sum

  • Average

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

*Not applicable for Issue Count

Issue Count

Show Year

Whether to display the year in the table


Show Totals

Whether to show totals for the table


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