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3D Gadgets 1.4.0 Release Notes

We are pleased to present version 1.4 of the Three Dimensional Date Gadgets Plugin.

New Features

  • Rolling Window Monthly Gadget
  • Enhancements to Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget
  • Integration with Atlassian Marketplace Licensing

Rolling Window Monthly Gadget

Now you can see the statistics for the last x months. It has the option to calculate the average and to display a trend indicator

The gadget also supports

  • clickable links
  • summing of totals

Enhancements to Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget

We received many suggestions on how to improve the Three Dimensional Monthly Gadget such as

  • Clickable links to zoom into the statistics
  • Ordering of the selected statistics
  • Summing of the rows and columns totals
  • Sorting of the columns (try to click on it)
  • Merging the numbers across the years if the showyear option is false
  • Displaying the field used of grouping the statistics
  • And some bug fixes

Integration with Atlassian Marketplace Licensing

Lastly, we received requests to have commercial support for this plugin and decided to integrate with Atlassian Marketplace. A free version will be created under the name "Three Dimensional Date Gadgets Lite". For a comparison between both plugins, please refer to Comparison between 3D Gadgets Plugin and 3D Gadgets Lite Plugin 


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