It is possible to update the OOO user options for the users via REST API

List of Attributes
Data Type | Attribute Name | Default Value | Remarks |
String | ignoreSelfAssign | false | true/false to ignore self assignment of issue |
String | allowCovererAssignBack | false | true/false to allow coverer to assign issue back |
String | oooReplyWhenMentioned | false | true/false to thread reply when being mentioned |
String | exclusionMode | default | Exclusion mode for JQL which can be either default or user |
String | defaultJql | | Default JQL used in the global level |
String | userJql | | User defined JQL |
Retrieve the OOO advance settings of user (GET)
Method | GET |
URL | /rest/ooo/1.0/ |
Parameters | N/A |
Response | STATUS 200  STATUS 401  |
Remarks | |
Create JQL Exclusion Filter for OOO (POST)
Method | POST |
URL | /rest/ooo/1.0/ |
Parameters | To exclude issues from all the projects in testing category
"ignoreSelfAssign": false,
"allowCovererAssignBack": false,
"oooReplyWhenMentioned": false,
"exclusionMode": "user",
"userJql": "category%20testing"
If exclusion Mode is "default", "defaultJql" will be required instead of "userJql".
"exclusionMode": "default",
"defaultJql": "project = ExampleProject"
Attributes not specified are set to their default values in the attributes table above |
Response | STATUS 204  STATUS 401  STATUS 406  |
Remarks | |
Update the OOO advance settings for the user (PUT)
Method | PUT |
URL | /rest/ooo/1.0/ |
Parameters | Example
"ignoreSelfAssign" : false,
"allowCovererAssignBack" : false,
"oooReplyWhenMentioned" : false,
"exclusionMode": "none"
Attributes not specified are set to their default values in the attributes table above |
Response | STATUS 204  STATUS 401  STATUS 406  |
Remarks | |