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Configuring Multiple Filters Line Chart (Weekly) Macro





Line Chart (Weekly)

The title of the macro

Display Type

Line Chart Only

To display:

  • Line Chart Only

  • Data Table Only

  • Line Chart and Data Table

Color Scheme


The color scheme for line chart:

  • Basic

  • Contrasting

  • Shades

  • Warm

  • Custom

Add Filter

Click to add filter

*Maximum of 12 filters can be added.


Enter JQL to get the Jira issues

Alias n

The display name for the filter

Date n


The date field to get date value for x-axis:

  • Created

  • Updated

  • Resolved

  • Due Date

  • Date picker custom fields

  • Date time picker custom fields

Calculation Mode n

Issue Count

The calculation mode field to get value for y-axis:

  • Issue Count

  • Original Estimate

  • Remaining Estimate

  • Time Spent

  • Σ Original Estimate

  • Σ Remaining Estimate

  • Σ Time Spent

  • Number custom fields

The operator:

  • Sum

  • Average

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

*Not applicable for Issue Count

Color n

The color for the line

*Configurable only if Color Scheme is set to Custom

Display Time In


The unit to display time in:

  • Hours

  • Days

  • Weeks

*Applicable for Time Fields only

Cumulative Mode


Display cumulative data over time:

  • Yes

  • No

Week Span

Current Week

The week span to plot:

  • Current Week

  • Last Week

First Day of Week


The first day of the week:

  • Sunday

  • Monday

  • Tuesday

  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday

  • Saturday

Days to Display

7 Days

The number of days to display:

  • 5 Days

  • 6 Days

  • 7 Days

Display Full Year


Display all 4 digits of the year (e.g. 2008):

  • Yes

  • No


Date ascending

Sort the dates in ascending or descending order:

  • Date ascending

  • Date descending

X-Axis Label


The x-axis label

Y-Axis Label

Issue Count

The y-axis label

Display Mode

Side By Side

How the lines should be displayed:

  • Overlapped

  • Side By Side



The method of curve fitting:

  • Linear

  • Monotone

Data Labels


The value above each dot:

  • Show

  • Hide

Tick Interval

The interval between each tick on the y-axis

Reference Line

Enter a value to display the reference line

Click on the colored square to select color

The style of the reference line:

  • Dashed

  • Dotted

  • Solid

Table Orientation


Display filters horizontally or vertically:

  • Horizontal

  • Vertical

Table Totals


The totals for each column and row:

  • Hide

  • Show (Columns Only)

  • Show (Rows Only)

  • Show

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