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Configuring Multiple Filters Counter Macro

(green star) Indicates that the setting is only available for color Green to Red and Red to Green






The title of the macro

Add Filter

Click to add filter

*Maximum of 12 filters can be added.


Enter JQL to get the Jira issues

Calculation Mode n

Issue Count

The calculation mode field to get value:

  • Issue Count

  • Original Estimate

  • Remaining Estimate

  • Time Spent

  • Σ Original Estimate

  • Σ Remaining Estimate

  • Σ Time Spent

  • Number custom fields

The operator:

  • Sum

  • Average

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

*Not applicable for Issue Count

Color n


The color for the counter board:

  • Black

  • Blue

  • Emerald

  • Green

  • Grey

  • Navy

  • Orange

  • Peach

  • Purple

  • Red

  • Yellow

  • Green to Red

  • Red to Green

(green star) Min Value n

The minimum value for the range

(green star) Max Value Type n

Use Number as Max Value

The maximum value type to use for the range:

  • Use Number as Max Value

  • Use JQL as Max Value

(green star) Max Value n

The maximum value for the range

*For Use Number as Max Value option in Max Value Type

(green star) Max JQL n

Enter JQL to get Jira issues for the maximum value

*For Use JQL as Max Value option in Max Value Type

(green star) Max Calculation Mode n

Issue Count

The calculation mode field to get value:

  • Issue Count

  • Original Estimate

  • Remaining Estimate

  • Time Spent

  • Σ Original Estimate

  • Σ Remaining Estimate

  • Σ Time Spent

  • Number custom fields

The operator:

  • Sum

  • Average

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

*Not applicable for Issue Count

(green star) Color Change Limit (%) n

The limit to use for color change

Text n

The text to display below the number value in the counter board

Text Color n


The text color:

  • Black

  • White

Text Font Size n


The text font size:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large



The size of the counter board:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Filter Link


The link to the filter:

  • Hide

  • Show (Link below counter)

  • Show (Link on counter)

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