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How to Embed Multiple Filters Chart Gadget into a Confluence Cloud Page


It is possible to include Multiple Filters Chart gadgets into the Confluence page through the use of Smart Links

Getting the link for a specific gadget

  1. Go to any Jira Dashboard with the dashboard you wish to add to Confluence

  2. Click on the copy link icon at the top right hand corner of the Gadget you wish to embed to Confluence


  3. Head over to your Confluence page and paste the link


  4. Save your page and you will be able to see the gadget.


Embedding your whole Jira Dashboard

  1. Head to the Jira Dashboard that you wish to embed

  2. Click on the copy link icon at the top right hand corner


  3. Paste the link into your Confluence Page and click “Update”/”Save”


  4. You will be able to see the dashboard gadgets on your Confluence page



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