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Differences between Lookup Manager Server and Cloud

Lookup Manager for JIRA Cloud is a product that is under development. Currently it doesn’t have the same feature set as the server version and some features are likely never to come to Cloud due to restrictions in the Cloud platform.

All Post-Functions will need to be recreated





Add, Edit and Delete

  • Table

  • Row

  • Column

Configured in Configure Tables page

The Configure Tables page is removed.

The workaround is to use Project, Issue and Issue Field.

  • Table → Project

  • Row → Issue

  • Column → Issue Field

Rename Table and Column

Configured in Configure Tables page

Rename project name, project key or Issue field

** This will not affect the post function

Import to a new table via CSV

Use the Import Table feature

Use the Jira CSV file import wizard → Import to new Jira Project

Import to existing table via CSV

Use the Reimport Table feature

Use the Jira CSV file import wizard → Update existing issues

Export table to CSV

Use the Export Table feature

Use the Jira CSV file import/Export wizard

Read-Only view

Configured in Configure Tables page

The workaround is to grant Browse Project Permission

Workflow transition error message

Error message appears in a pop up window

Lookup Manager add a comment with the error message to the issue triggered workflow post function

No action required after post-function executed

The value in the issue field will be updated immediately and no action is required

The changes made by post function is not visible immediately. User need to manually refresh the page to see the changed value

Data storage

Data stored in local database

Lookup Manager for Cloud does not store any data

No restriction on field type

When editing post function form, there is no restriction on field type

The Source Field must be the same field type as Search Field

The Matched Field must be the same field type as Destination Field

Integration with ScriptRunner for Jira

Yes. You can refer to ScriptRunner Integration


User Interface

Lookup Manager: Update Issue Field

Lookup Manager for Server

Lookup Manager for Cloud

The user interfaces are similar, but there are some differences.  

  • Lookup Table - 

    • In server, user select from a list of tables

      In the cloud, we use Lookup Project Key. User use autocomplete attribute to enter project key

  • Search Column - In the cloud, we use Search Field

  • Action If No Records Matched 

    • In server, there are three options: Stop the current action, Skip the update and continue and Default value

      In the cloud, there are only two options: Skip the update and continue and Default value

  • Action if No Value in Source Field

    • In server, there are three options: Stop the lookup and display error message, Skip the lookup and continue and Default value

      In the cloud, there are only two options: Skip the lookup and continue and Default value

Validate post function form

Lookup Manager for Cloud

Another difference is the error message is displayed on top of form if the field types do not match or the Lookup Project field is empty.

  • This feature is only available in Lookup Manager for Cloud

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