JQL function - lookup
JQL Syntax
lookup(<Table>, <Lookup Column>, <Lookup Value>, <Mapped Column>, <Mode>)
Parameter | Description |
<Table> | The lookup table name |
<Lookup Column> | The column name to perform the lookup |
<Lookup Value> | The value used to perform the lookup |
<Mapped Column> | The column name to return if there is any matching row |
<Mode> | The mode for returning values
Supported Operators
IN | NOT IN | = | != | < | > | <= | >= | IS | IS NOT | WAS | WAS IN | WAS NOT | WAS NOT IN | CHANGED |
An Example
Using the example from Support multiple categories for Jira Project, if there is a Lookup Table named Project Category Table with 3 columns (Project Name, Project Key, Category)
Project Name | Project Key | Category | Remarks |
Customer Service project | CS | BUSINESS |
Customer Service project | CS | CUSTOMER | |
Development project | DEV | BUSINESS |
Framework Development project | FRAM | CUSTOMER | |
Framework Development project | FRAM | INTERNAL | |
QA project | QA | BUSINESS |
QA project | QA | INTERNAL |
The lookup JQL function
project in lookup("Project Category Table", "Category", "Business", "Project Key", "all")
will be translated to
project in (CS, DEV, QA)
For reference,
Parameter | Description | Value in Example |
<Table> | The lookup table name | Project Category Table |
<Lookup Column> | The column name to perform the lookup | Category |
<Lookup Value> | The value used to perform the lookup | BUSINESS |
<Mapped Column> | The column name to return if there is any matching row | Project Key |
<Mode> | The mode for returning values
| all |
If you use
project in lookup("Project Category Table", "Category", "Business", "Project Key", "first")
it will be translated to
project in (CS)
Learn More
Use lookup() function to Support multiple categories for Jira Project
Use lookup() function to Support mapping between Product Owner and Jira Project