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Release Notes for 2.2.0

What’s New


Dashboard Sidebar Tab Icon

The Dashboard Sidebar tab has been changed from wording to icon for a neater look and feel:

Old Dashboard Sidebar Tab

New Dashboard Sidebar Tab

dashboard sidebar tab word.png
dashboard sidebar tab icon.png

Save Dashboard Sidebar folder open state

The user’s last opened Dashboard Sidebar folder state will now be saved.

e.g. assuming the “Administration” folder is opened before page is reloaded

On page reload (before v2.2.0)

On page reload (v2.2.0)

dfolder on load before.png

dfolder on load after.png

Folders containing the currently viewed Dashboard will still be automatically expanded regardless of the last opened folder state.

Expand/Collapse all Dashboard Sidebar folder

User can click on the “Expand” or “Collapse” button to quickly expand or collapse all the folders.

The button is visible when user mouse over the Dashboard sidebar section.

Mouse not over Dashboard sidebar

Mouse over Dashboard sidebar

dfolder mouse not over sidebar.png
dfolder mouse over sidebar.png

Bug Fixes

Dashboard Sidebar removed when there is top layer Dashboard but no visible folder nor favourite

Prior to Dashboard Folder v2.2.0, Dashboard Sidebar is removed when there is top layer Dashboard but no visible folder and favourite.

This issue is fixed in Dashboard Folder v2.2.0 which will also checks for top layer Dashboard before removing Dashboard Sidebar.

The Dashboard Sidebar will still be removed when there is no content to display, i.e. completely no top layer Dashboard, visible folder and favourite Dashboard

Dashboard edit buttons are hidden on System Dashboard edit page

From Jira 9 onwards, the plugin css and scripts are also loaded on the System Dashboard edit page, and hence the edit buttons are removed.

This issue is fixed in Dashboard Folder v2.2.0 to unhide the edit dashboard buttons.

Issues Resolved
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.