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How to change the side bar folder and dashboard font size


This is a workaround solution, not an actual configurable feature via the plugin

  1. Log in as an administrator into Jira
  2. Select User Interface > Announcement banner in the System panel or use the shortcut 'g'+'g' and type in "Announcement Banner"
  3. Enter the relevant CSS below into the Announcement field:
    1. Resize both Folder text and Dashboard link size

      #dashboard>.tabs.vertical a, #dashboard>.tabs.vertical {
          font-size: 15.5px;
    2. Resize only the Dashboard link size

      #d_folder_nav > li > a.ddFolder.dashboard, #d_folder_nav > li > ul > li > a.ddFolder.dashboard {
          font-size: 14px;
  4. Set the Visibility Level for the banner to Public
  5. Click the Set Banner button
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