Navigate to Calendar Manager using either of the following ways
Choose > Issues. Select Calendar Manager under the Traffic Light Configuration section
Use Keyboard shortcut: g + g and start typing calendar manager
The page will list all the calendars defined
Adding a new calendar
The 2 types of calendars have similar steps
Country Calendar
Organization Calendar
The Country Calendar can be added by
Clicking on the + Add Country Calendar button
Typing the name of the Country Calendar (e.g. Singapore Public Holidays)
Clicking on the Add Country Calendar button
It will go directly to the Calendar configuration page
The Country Calendar can be added by
Clicking on the + Add Organisation Calendar button
Typing the name of the Organisation Calendar (e.g. Akeles Calendar)
Clicking on the Add Organisation Calendar button
It will go directly to the Calendar configuration page
Configuring a country calendar
Select the non working days of the week
Select the Work Start time and Work End time from the dropdown list
Click on Save Calendar button to save the changes
Refer to Adding/Editing a holiday section below on how to add holidays or events to the calendar
Configuring an Organisation calendar
For Organisation Calendar, there is an extra option to select the Country Calendar. If a Country Calendar is selected, the list of holidays from the selected Country Calendar will also be included as the non working days
The Country Calendar is an independent Calendar whereas the Organisation Calendar can either be independent or linked to a Country Calendar.
When there is any changes made to a Country Calendar, it will also affect all the Organisation Calendars linked to it.
Changes made to the Organisation Calendar will not affect the Country Calendar
Working with holidays
A holiday is an exception to the normal working period and the day should not considered as a working day. It could be a public holiday, an off day or even a corporate event such as Dinner and Dance.
To add a holiday:
Type in the holiday/event name
Fill in the Date of the holiday/event in dd/mm/yy format
Click on the Add button to save the holiday
The holiday/event is updated in the list
To edit a holiday:
Mouse over the Holiday/Event Name or the Date entry
A pencil icon will appear
Click on the text field and it will switch to edit mode
Make the change
Click on the Update button to save the changes
To delete a holiday:
Click on the Delete button for the Holiday/Event
To return to the calendar configuration
Click on the Back to Configure Calendar button near the top right
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