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The Days Elapsed Plugin calculates the number of working days elapsed between 2 dates for a simplified SLA indicator. 
The performance can then be translated from the number of working days into a traffic light color for ease of tracking and reporting.

It supports 2 mode of measurement

  • Pro-active monitoring - the counting starts from a workflow action and continues to increment on the next working day
  • Post-mortem grading - the counting is done at the end of stage to calculate the number of working days between 2 known dates



Traffic Light custom field in the View Issue Screen

Search Issues View

Two Dimensional Filter Statistics Gadget

Filter Results Gadget

Issue Statistics Gadget


To find out more details, check out the following pages


This is Akeles Team's submission for Atlassian Codegeist 2015 and the plugin is in beta-testing.
For those people who are interested in participating the beta-testing, we will be happy to provide a 50% discount promo code in appreciation of their participation and feedback.




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