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Countdown Timer Plugin 1.3 Release Notes

13 Aug 2014

We are pleased to present version 1.3 of the Countdown Timer Plugin


Different size of counters

We added an option to allow users to specify the size of counter

Extra Small16px23px

Support for multiple timers in the same page

Now it is possible to have multiple timers on the same page.

More display options to show/hide hours, minutes and seconds

Now you can control the display format of the counter. The available options are:

  • days:hours:mins:secs
  • days:hours:mins
  • days:hours
  • days
  • hours:mins:secs
  • hours:mins
  • hours

The default format is days:hours:mins:secs.

Support more than 365 days

Previous versions only support countdown date not more than 1 year. Now you can use Countdown Timer for dates beyond that.

Compatibility with Confluence 5.5

A request that many people have been asking for.


Resolved Issues

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