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Bulk Approvals Plugin Home


Some requests might need approval before your team can work on them. Bulk Approvals complements Jira Service Management by allowing multiple requests to be selected for approvals at the same time from the Customer Portal.

Without Plugin

With Plugin

  1. User need to click on the request form from the list of approvals

  2. The approver will review each request before clicking the Approve/Decline button

  1. User selects the type of approval (layout) from the dropdown options

    1. All the outstanding requests pending approvals will be listed and relevant fields are displayed

    2. After reviewing the info, the approver can tick 1 checkbox to select all requests to Approve/Decline

Getting Started

  1. Installing Bulk Approvals Plugin

  2. Follow our Quick Start guide to see the plugin in action

  3. If you want to report a new issue, provide feedback or require help, please raise a ticket in Support


In summary, Bulk Approvals for Jira Service Management allows you to process your Service Desk requests faster by

  • grouping related request types - declutters the requests with categories to provide easy access and context for faster decisions

  • showing the relevant fields - facilitates the decision by displaying the relevant fields in the overview

  • Single page approval - speeds up the processing by allowing multiple requests to be bulk approved

Use Cases

The plugin will be useful in the following possible scenarios

  • Additional data (custom field) to be reviewed before approval

  • Need to categorise different approval types

Key Features

Approve multiple tickets at one go

  • Save time with less clicks. There is no need to go into individual tickets for the approve button

Display relevant fields

  • Facilitates the approval process by displaying the relevant fields in the overview. Previously, there is a need to click into the ticket to see the details

Group related tickets

  • Authorized approvers can easily locate the requests they need to approve. It is more difficult to bulk approve with different types of requests cluttered together. By bringing context for the approvals, it makes the approval process easier

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