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Problems, Solution, Benefits

Below, we have a comparison on how it will look like with and without the /Image Banner macro

Why implement Jira Service Desk

Why implement Jira Service Desk


  • Requests lost in emails

  • Cannot measure SLA

  • Users complain a long time to fix their issues


  • Implement Jira Service Desk with ITIL processes


  • Users can use the knowledge base articles to self-help on their requests

  • Tickets have a SLA so that urgent requests can be prioritised

  • Requests lost in emails

  • Cannot measure SLA

  • Users complain a long time to fix their issues

  • Implement Jira Service Desk with ITIL processes

  • Users can use the knowledge base articles to self-help on their requests

  • Tickets have a SLA so that urgent requests can be prioritised

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