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Release Notes for 2.12.1/3.3.1


Bug Fix

Unable to install/enable Attachment Checker 2.12.0/3.3.0

This happens if Jira Service Desk is not installed.

/rest/plugins/1.0/com.akelesconsulting.jira.plugins.AttachmentChecker-key [c.a.p.osgi.factory.OsgiPluginInstalledHelper] Cannot determine required plugins, cannot resolve bundle 'com.akelesconsulting.jira.plugins.AttachmentChecker'
/rest/plugins/1.0/com.akelesconsulting.jira.plugins.AttachmentChecker-key [c.a.p.osgi.factory.OsgiPlugin] Detected an error (BundleException) enabling the plugin 'com.akelesconsulting.jira.plugins.AttachmentChecker' : Unresolved constraint in bundle com.akelesconsulting.jira.plugins.AttachmentChecker [18]: Unable to resolve 18.0: missing requirement [18.0] osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment). This error usually occurs when your plugin imports a package from another bundle with a specific version constraint and either the bundle providing that package doesn't meet those version constraints, or there is no bundle available that provides the specified package. For more details on how to fix this, see
/rest/plugins/1.0/com.akelesconsulting.jira.plugins.AttachmentChecker-key [c.a.plugin.impl.AbstractPlugin] Unable to enable plugin 'com.akelesconsulting.jira.plugins.AttachmentChecker'


Key Summary T Status Resolution Affected Versions

Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

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